The Comfortable Chair

The Comfortable Chair, chair, wool, polyester stuffing and calico, 2016

Knit by Madge, Rose, Daisy, Grace, Peg, Teresa, Eileen, Cynthia, Linda, Zoe, Zoe’s Friend, Andrew, Rosalind, Limor, Tilly and Jean. I was invited to work with a group of women, all strong and enthusiastic knitters. They said they wanted to make something useful. Like little hats for premature babies or scarfs for charity. I felt that they didn’t need me to make something useful and realised that sometimes I have a talent for the not so useful. Devised a project to soften a hard plastic chair, the standard chair that’s available when Meet Me group meets and to not knit something useful.

“Meet Me at the Albany is an all day arts club for the over 60s quite unlike anything that has come before. Based at South East London’s Albany arts centre, an all year programme of weekly events creates opportunities for people to meet new friends and try out a whole range of new activities and experiences”

A Comfortable Chair was commissioned by Meet Me At the Albany


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